3 Things Doctors Should Know About Obamacare – US News and World Report

I was recently fortunate enough to have the opportunity to provide commentary with Michael Nusimow, CEO of drchrono, to Kimberly Leonard, a Producer for Health at U.S. News. The focus of the story was “Three Things Doctors Should Know About The Affordable Care Act”; a big task considering the complexity involved with the law.

The main point I was trying to convey is this: We need to stop with the shell game of cost shifting between federal and private insurance, doctors and hospitals, and patients. Rather than trying to fix prices or drive down costs, there are more politically tenable measures available, such as a tax credit for charitable care.

Society benefits if people are healthy; they work longer and better and everyone benefits.

“Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice.”

3 Things Doctors Should Know About Obamacare – US News and World Report.

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